Team Members
Raman Silwal, Dipin Gyawali
To capture solar radiation from the sun, solar collectors are required. When the required temperature of water is high, the solar radiation from the sun needs to be concentrated, for this purpose concentrated solar collector are used. Parabolic solar trough is used to focus solar radiation into a line. One of the major problems that is faced by Parabolic Solar Collector is position and placement of the solar collector. The project deals with finding the correct position for Parabolic Solar Collector in Kathmandu. The proper solar angle that are required during the placement is optimized using TRNSYS software. The collector azimuth angle and the slope of the collector were optimized for correct positioning and placement of the solar collector. The collector azimuth angle was found to be 30o in the summer and 60o in the winter with the meridian. The slope of the of the solar collector was found to be 27o with the horizontal plane. The optimization of area was also done for maximum expected outlet temperature for water based on area. Different method of mirror manufacturing and material for the solar mirror were studied and compared with each other. The study of these material found that buffing sheet metal can be one of the effective methods to manufacture solar mirrors. Experimentation was also carried out in the project. A setup was built for the experimental purpose. The data logger for the experimental setup was made with help of Arduino. The maximum water temperature that was obtained from the experimental setup was 90 oC.